Book Direct For Best Rates & Packages
What does “Book Direct” mean?
You BOOK DIRECT when you use one of two methods to reserve your room (Reservations for Harbor 26 are made through the St. Francis Inn):
- Book Direct by Phone: Call St. Francis Inn and speak to our on-site innkeeper at 800-824-6062 or 904-824-6068
- Book Direct Online: Link to Online Booking in our website (scroll to the bottom of the accommodations for Harbor 26)
Here are the facts:
Book Direct with St. Francis Inn for your Harbor 26 stay and you will:
- Earn our Loyalty Reward* – A $25 Gift Card for legendary O.C. White’s Seafood & Spirits Restaurant, near the St. Augustine bayfront
- Get our best offers
- Take advantage of “extras” that are only offered to our book-direct guests
- Have more flexibility and a better booking experience
- Have direct access to our Innkeepers, who can answer all your Harbor 26 and local area questions
- Have direct access to our Innkeepers who can assist you with any special requirements
Learn about and access our offers during non-peak travel times
Get personalized assistance from those who know the Harbor 26 and how your needs are best accommodated
Those who DON’T Book Direct, and work through a ‘middle-man’ online travel agency like Expedia or Priceline:
- Are paying hidden fees
- Won’t learn about any special offers and savings
- Have less flexibility with booking dates
- Don’t get our personal touch
We look forward to helping you plan your visit. Just call 800-824-6062 or 904-824-6068 or click here for direct booking online. Reserve Harbor 26 for a night, a weekend, a week, or a month… Reservations for Harbor 26 are made through the St. Francis Inn, and your confirmation will also be from St. Francis Inn. Tariffs do not include state or local taxes.